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Can I Collect Social Security Retirement and Disability Benefits at the Same Time?

When you suffer a disabling injury or illness, you want to collect all the benefits and funds you are entitled to. After all, your life will never be the same, and you need to secure your future as best you can. Disabled individuals who are nearing retirement age may want to know if they can collect both Social Security disability insurance benefits (SSDI) and Social Security retirement benefits at the same time.

While this may seem like an easy question to answer, the truth is that there are many variables that can affect your ability to collect benefits after a disability. Because of these variables and factors, it is important to consult with an experienced Arkansas SSDI lawyer immediately. Your attorney will be able to review the details surrounding your case to help you collect all the benefits you deserve.


Can I Receive Disability and Retirement at the Same Time?

The simplest and most straightforward answer to this question is NO. Unfortunately, the vast majority of disabled Americans cannot receive both Social Security retirement benefits and disability benefits at the same time. If you already qualify for SSDI benefits, then these benefits will be converted to retirement benefits when you reach full retirement age.

There is an exception to this rule, however, which we will cover in this article. Keep reading to learn how you might be able to collect disability and retirement benefits at the same time.

SSDI and RetirementHow do SSDI and Retirement work together?

Social Security disability insurance benefits exist to help Americans who suffer from a disabling injury or illness, but who cannot yet draw from their retirement benefits. If you are unable to work, but are not eligible for retirement, you need money now. The SSDI program essentially provides “early retirement” funds and benefits to individuals who are unable to work due to disability.

Once an individual reaches retirement age, they are able to draw from the full amount of retirement funds available to them. SSDI is no longer needed and simply converted to retirement benefits. In this way, both programs work together to provide much-needed benefits to disabled Americans regardless of their age.

Early Retirement Exception

There is one major exception for collecting both retirement benefits and SSDI benefits. If you took early retirement at the age of 62 before becoming disabled, you may qualify to collect both.

If you drew less than a full monthly retirement benefit before being approved for disability benefits, you will get the difference between the amounts. In addition, your lack of income during this time would not count towards your retirement benefits. This can be beneficial for many disabled individuals nearing retirement age.

In order to qualify for this exception, however, you must clearly establish that your disability occurred before you began taking early retirement benefits. If the Social Security Administration determines that your disability didn’t start until after retirement, they will deny your claim for SSDI benefits.

Remember that your full retirement benefit is based on the average monthly income in your 35-highest earning years.

Should I File for Early Retirement Benefits?

Some individuals may benefit from taking early retirement, especially if they are disabled. If you are severely impaired and believe that you will qualify for disability benefits, you may want to consider this route.

To start, you need to apply for Social Security disability benefits to protect your filing date and establish your disabling condition. Once you have done this, you can then apply for early retirement. The SSA will accept your early retirement, as long as you meet the credit requirements. Opting for an early retirement means that you will only receive 75 percent of your full retirement benefit amount. However, once your SSDI claim is approved, you will begin receiving the full amount of retirement, as well as back pay. In addition, you will be able to receive the full amount of retirement for the rest of your life.

There is a risk, however. If you collect early retirement but are not granted disability benefits, you may be stuck collecting less than your full retirement for the rest of your life.

In most cases, if you are already receiving SSDI, you’re better off waiting to retire until after 65. However, for some individuals who are collecting workers’ compensation along with SSDI, early retirement benefits may be greater.

Before taking early retirement or applying for SSDI benefits, it is important to speak to an experienced SSDI lawyer.

Can I Qualify for SSI While Collecting Social Security Retirement Benefits?

Unlike SSDI benefits, Supplement Security Income (SSI) payments do not automatically convert to retirement benefits when you reach the age of retirement. SSI is funded by federal taxes and is available for low-income elderly and disabled Americans. To continue to receive SSI payments, however, you must apply for all other cash benefits you may be entitled to receive, including SSDI and retirement.

Yet, unlike SSDI, you can receive both SSI and retirement benefits at the same time. This means that your overall monthly benefit amount will stay the same when you hit retirement. Some of this money will come in the form of retirement benefits, and some will come from SSI benefits. Your disability attorney can help you through this process and ensure that you receive all the benefits you are entitled to as you near retirement.

To learn more about SSI benefits and eligibility, we can help.

How Can a Social Security Benefits Lawyer Help Me?

If you are nearing retirement, you might not know what to do to collect all the benefits you are entitled. Fortunately, a Social Security benefits lawyer can help. Your attorney will be able to review your case and determine the best legal action for you. In some cases, you might be able to collect multiple benefits for disability and retirement.

No matter what – you can rest assured knowing that you are getting all the disability and retirement benefits you’re entitled to.

A Social Security benefits lawyer will take your case and gather the medical evidence necessary to win your case. This may include additional testing, examinations, and other professional evaluations. Your attorney will also help you get ready for any hearings and ensure that your case has the best chance of success.

Without an SSDI benefits lawyer on your side, you might not collect the benefits you deserve – and need.

Contact Our Arkansas SSDI Lawyers Today

Collecting disability benefits and retirement benefits can be complex, and without an attorney on your side, you may not get the benefits you deserve. At Rainwater, Holt, & Sexton our Arkansas SSDI attorneys will examine your injuries, your disabilities, and your financial situation to determine the best way to proceed as you near retirement.

With eight offices in Arkansas - Little Rock, Little Rock-Corporate Hill, Springdale, Conway, Hot Springs, Bryant, Jacksonville, and Jonesboro—our Arkansas and Tennessee SSDI lawyers are easily accessible from the moment you need us. Contact Rainwater, Holt & Sexton Injury Lawyers today. Fill out a free contact request form, which only takes a minute, or simply dial (800) 434-4800 and tell us your story.

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